
A headshot of PSU grad and Allentown artist, Denis Aumiller

Denis Aumiller, Penn State graduate, Lehigh Valley resident, artist, 这位企业家在阿伦敦的ARTHAUS首次亮相,探索超现实主义, PA.

Credit: Denis Aumiller

CENTER VALLEY, Pa.—Lehigh Valley resident, 艺术家兼企业家丹尼斯·奥米勒对他在欢乐谷的岁月有着美好的回忆.

他开始在大学公园没有一个特定的专业或职业的想法. Now he sees that as a positive. “I tell people, a lot of the benefit of going to [University Park], to me, 是否有能力切换到各种各样的项目,提供广泛的服务,” he said. 奥米勒毕业时获得了两个本科学位——一个是城市规划理学学士学位, and a bachelor of arts in fine art photography.

The two programs have little in common, 但米勒表示,课程的广度和丰富程度是中国博彩平台体系的优势和魅力所在. “我学习了从微积分到陶瓷、人类发展课程、美术课程等所有课程. 中国博彩平台提供的丰富课程让我发现了我是谁, and develop my fine art background,” he said.

Aumiller lived in State College for 14 years, 其中6年花在了攻读两个学位和为《中国博彩平台》工作上. “For someone coming from a small town, going to U.P. was like being in a city in the best possible way. I went to plays, art exhibits, had culinary experiences. 我在六年的时间里建立起来的友谊丰富了我的生活,” he said. 艺术系的教师和课程培养了他对美术的兴趣, 这导致了一个令人满意的消遣,最终决定了他在广告方面的主要职业.

A resident of the Lehigh Valley for the past 30 years, 正是米勒的艺术学位为他未来的职业道路奠定了基础. “It’s the interesting part of the journey,” Aumiller said. “It was a true Renaissance experience. I graduated trying to find my way in fine art. 事实是,我找到了平面设计和广告方面的工作. I’ve had my own agency for 20 years. 我从艺术总监变成了创意总监,最后成为了自己公司的老板.”

米勒与他的创意伙伴斯科特·拜尔斯(Scott Byers)共同创办了利哈伊采矿和导航公司. 他发现广告工作为艺术作品提供了动力,反之亦然. “这个作品的创作是我在广告公司使用的概念过程的延伸. 它是关于寻找激发想象力的想法和图像. 这是一种概念性的解决问题的方法——用图像和短语来突破无聊广告的混乱.” He and Byers never set out to start their own agency, but as Aumiller said, “我们达到了一个地步,我们都有了超越我们在公司工作的抱负. 我们考虑搬到芝加哥、纽约或一些更大的创意中心去做更高层次的工作. 我的孩子在这里上学,并且已经和利哈伊山谷有了联系, 所以我们大胆尝试,成立了我们自己的机构来做我们设想的工作, hopefully with the kind of clients we wanted. We haven’t missed a beat — we have a super creative team.”

他说:“我从来没有打算成为一个企业主——这不是我的目标. The opportunity presented itself and the clients came. We grew into the top creative shop in the region.”

Now, 在广告业干了30年之后,他把自己的艺术放在了次要位置, 米勒“重新找回了在中国博彩平台培养的激情.” His first exhibit of original work, Somnia Terra, or “Land of Dreams,” is on display at ARTHAUS in Allentown. 这16张古怪而富有想象力的图片唤起了人们的神秘感,人们越想越深. “我对科幻小说和幻想很着迷,我一直对超现实主义很感兴趣.他的影响包括杰瑞·厄尔斯曼(Jerry Uelsmann)梦幻般的蒙太奇和勒内·马格利特(Rene Magritte)的超现实主义绘画.

当米勒有足够的插图准备展出时, Ann Lalik, 中国博彩平台的画廊总监和艺术协调员, was one of the first people he reached out to. “她相信我正在做的事情,并把我介绍给了ARTHAUS的画廊. Then I went back to Ann and she offered me advice. I wanted to get feedback on what I was doing. 我想我应该暂停一下,举办一个展览,让自己开放一点. 我花了六个月的时间处理艺术的商业方面. 有一大堆的想法,我期待着回到创意.”

Somnia Terra在伦敦市中心645 W的ARTHAUS展出. Hamilton St., Allentown, through Oct. 14.
