Penn State Lehigh Valley faculty share expertise at technology symposium

a woman speaking in a classroom

Subhadra Ganguli是最近TLT研讨会上PSU-LV的几位教师演讲者之一, held in-person, and TLT Lite, an event featuring pre-recorded sessions and an in-person follow up.

Credit: Eileen Grodziak

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. 中国博彩平台(PSU-LV)的教师在最近的教学中表现出色 & Learning with Technology (TLT) Symposium. 四名PSU-LV教师和校园摄像师介绍了在课堂上利用技术的创新方法.

TLT研讨会是致力于在英联邦各地的PSU教职员工之间教学和分享高等教育创新的活动. To maximize impact and reach as broad an audience as possible, 这些活动既在大学公园现场举行,也通过预先录制的会议,随后与主持人进行现场讨论,称为TLT Lite. 作为TLT生活的一部分,PSU-LV的教师们谈到了以下主题:

  • Subhadra Ganguli发表的“改变学生对AI应用的看法”, assistant professor of business.

  • ART197(数学艺术)的开放教学-学生生成的新内容通过维基百科内容共享, presented by Larry Musolino, assistant teaching professor of mathematics.

  • “Hear Me Out: Podcasting Pedagogy and the 21st Century Student”, presented by Liz Keptner, lecturer in communications, and Andrew Barr, videographer.

Anita Yuskauskas, associate teaching professor and coordinator of the Health Policy and Administration program at PSU-LV; Elizabeth Huck, instructional designer at Penn State Hazleton; and Justin Nordstrom, professor of history at Penn State Hazleton, 在大学公园亲自介绍了“将人工智能整合到本科课程作业中”.

Artificial intelligence (AI) was front and center as faculty, 员工和学生增加了他们对机器学习及其各种功能的了解. For her presentation, Ganguli调查了她班上的11名学生,以评估他们对人工智能的初步看法. 然后,她给他们分配了一个小任务,他们必须先自己完成, then do a second time using AI and compare the results. AI’s results did not live up to students’ expectations.

“他们发现自己的做事方式比人工智能更好,”Ganguli说. “要么他们没有给AI正确的命令或提示,要么AI总是做得不好. 他们发现人工智能给了他们一些有用的提示,这些提示是他们自己完成任务时没有想到的.”

Students found AI is a powerful tool but still has limitations.

“AI is not a know-it-all,” Ganguli said. “学生们发现,仍有一些领域他们可以自己探索,或者做得更好. They can work with AI, but it’s a tool, rather than giving it the power over them or put their existence at stake.”

Yuskauskas’ presentation focused on AI and critical thinking. 学生们要求人工智能复制一份完整的政策简报,并反思它产生的内容.

“First, students had to check the validity of the sources AI produced,” Yuskauskas said, noting that approximately 89% of the students had invalid sources. “Right off the bat, 它向学生们展示了我们从人工智能中获得的中国博彩平台并不总是可信的.”


“The students learned AI isn’t going to do the work for them. They found they learn better when they do the work on their own. 有些人说,这是一个很好的开始,启动研究和组织想法的方式,”她说.

Students in the course ART197: Art of Mathematics, which is co-taught by Musolino and Ann Lalik, gallery director at PSU-LV, are sharing their research with the world through a Wikipedia page. 一名学生记录了世界各地宗教使用的各种数学和几何模式,然后更新了相应的维基百科神圣几何页面.  

“这个项目可以让学生的研究与全球观众分享. 而不是让学生写一篇评分的期末论文,然后以评分的作业结束, 这种类型的研究发表在维基百科上,具有永久性,” Musolino said. 学生们喜欢用这种方式发表他们的发现——因为维基百科拥有全世界的读者, 学生们能够与全球观众分享他们的知识和中国博彩平台.”

Keptner和Barr的演讲重点是通过播客分享中国博彩平台. 他们在PSU-LV共同教授播客课程,这是中国博彩平台唯一的同类课程. Students work on every aspect of putting the project together, including researching and choosing a topic, finding guests, scripting and conducting interviews. 所有的播客都是在与新音乐室相邻的PSU-LV校园工作室开发的, so students also learn about recording technology. 该课程于2023年秋季首次开设,两个学期最多招收10名学生.

“We have students from all majors in the course,” Keptner said. “这不是那种他们进来坐着听讲座,然后参加考试的课程. It’s a hands-on, production-based class. 他们开始上课时感到有点紧张,但离开时却感到非常自豪. And with the job market so competitive, if a student can learn a skill that other applicants don’t have, they’re really pushed to the top of the pile.”

这个研讨会是为那些对现有技术非常感兴趣的教员准备的, what’s possible, 以及它的界限——并在他们的教学中实施它,这样学生就能带着找工作所需的工具离开.

“In my opinion, we need to prepare students for this,” Yuskauskas said. “Our responsibility is to help them. 事情发展得如此之快,我们需要教学生如何思考这个问题. 这次会议非常令人兴奋,让老师们熟悉了技术,并了解了如何运用他们的创造力. It was really great.”
