Expert panel discusses issues related to censorship

Three panelists conducting a discussion on censorship

Beth Michalec (left), Sarah Hartman-Caverly(中)和Samantha Hull(右)在讨论起源, impacts and challenges of censorship that consumers, business, educators and so many more face in society today, in a recent panel discussion held at Penn State Lehigh Valley.

Credit: Elizabeth Nelson

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. -三位通信和中国博彩平台科学领域的专家分享了有关审查的不同观点-它是如何发生的, its impact on education, business, and research, 以及可以做些什么-在“捍卫思想多样性:我们今天如何面对审查制度”期间,最近在中国博彩平台(PSU-LV)举行的一场小组讨论.

Aníbal PSU-LV教务处主任Torres Bernal致开幕词. Sarah Hartman-Caverly, reference and instruction librarian at Penn State Berks; Samantha Hull, vice president, Pennsylvania School Librarians Association, and Beth Michalec, assistant professor, corporate communication at PSU-LV, 围绕审查制度进行生动而发人深省的讨论, 特别是当他们在各自的学科中遇到这种情况时.


“我们之所以这么做,是因为审查现在是我们的一个大话题. So many things fall under the umbrella of censorship, whether it’s banning books or cancel culture,” said Jen Jarson, head librarian at PSU-LV, who co-organized the event with Elizabeth Nelson, reference and instruction librarian. “我们的媒体和政治气候让我们真正意识到言论自由问题和审查问题. 知道这是我们所处的环境,知道它是多么的政治化和分裂, we wanted to have a more analytical discussion. 我们想尝试推广这样一种理念,即围绕一个困难的话题进行讨论可以帮助我们理解彼此的观点,而不是让它成为一个更有分歧的问题.”


“我认为将审查的概念扩展到我们的市场实践中是很重要的, including social media and content creation,” she said. “在社交媒体平台以及我们如何与他们的内容互动方面,我们必须记住,我们看到的是精心策划的内容. 我们有责任寻求多种观点,对不同的观点持开放态度, whether it’s a marketplace brand, a political stance, or an opinion in the public sphere or forum. 我们不能仅仅依靠一两个来源来不断强化我们的中国博彩平台和理念.”

Hull, who primarily works with and for K-12 libraries, said book banning is an alarmingly popular censorship trend, and one “librarians work very hard to avoid, as libraries are meant to serve the entire community. 图书馆的藏书应该能让所有的读者感到愉悦、启发和了解. 这也是图书馆是公共机构的原因之一——它是一个第三空间,任何人都可以, regardless of race, income or education level, et cetera, can come in and learn,” she said.

宾夕法尼亚州的学校和公共图书馆解决禁书问题的一种方法是在选择藏书的过程中实行透明度, Hull said.

“图书馆最好的做法是让训练有素的专业人员来寻找与馆藏相关的材料. Lately, and it’s been sort of a one-sided attempt, 有人试图抹去少数民族的故事,以及那些刚刚开始发表自己声音的人的故事," Hull said. “它影响了整个社会,尤其是我们K-12的朋友. It can have long-lasting effects on our citizens of tomorrow, as it doesn’t allow them to develop empathy or understanding.”

In her work at the Penn State Berks library, 哈特曼-卡弗利说,她注意到学生自我审查的趋势越来越明显. 她引用了个人权利和表达基金会进行的一项调查的结果,该调查的结果显示,“超过一半(接受调查的)学生表示,他们审查自己的观点,主要是因为担心自己会被同学或社交媒体如何对待。,” she said. “Or, 如果他们有一种观点而教授有另一种观点,他们会很担心, 它会以较低的分数或其他后果的形式反映在他们身上.”

According to Hartman-Caverly, 自我审查会对学生和他们就读的高等教育机构产生长期影响, whose foundations thrive on differing viewpoints, cultural backgrounds, and life experiences.

“学生们认为,逆向投资要付出所有这些代价, divergent views on sensitive topics. The question becomes, 如果学生在本科阶段学习这个,并将其实践带到研究生院和未来的学术领域, what implication does it have down the road?" said Hartman-Caverly.


哈特曼-卡弗利说:“我认为我们遇到了最好的问题,因为我们没有时间了。. “珍和伊丽莎白做得很好,把对这个问题有互补但独特观点的人聚集在一起. It was a wonderful experience.”


“We realize how important it is, as educators, 帮助各级学生在现实生活和数字环境中成为批判性思考者和积极参与的公民. Education has an important role,” she said.
