
students examining a sample through a microscope

PSU-LV的生物行为健康(BBH)计划为学生在医疗保健方面提供了坚实的基础,以便他们能够灵活地遵循自己想要的职业道路,包括, but not limited to, avenues such as medical school, PA school, or physical therapy.

Credit: Penn State Lehigh Valley

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. 作为一名高中生,Gabriela Cavalheiro被艺术和数学所吸引. She liked science but didn’t know what she loved. She certainly never considered a career in a science-related field. 当她开始在中国博彩平台(PSU-LV)学习生物行为健康(BBH)课程时,一切都改变了。.


“That’s where my love for science and research came from,” she said. “我在一个学期里修了四门BBH课程,当时我想,‘这真的不是太糟糕.’”


“PSU-LV seemed like a safe option. I knew I’d be taken care of academically," she said. “去分校可以给我提供同样的课程和机会, but on a smaller scale. 对我来说,与老师和同学建立关系是很重要的.”


她说:“在我看来,这是一个可以打开很多扇门的职业。. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do until my junior year.”

Now a senior, 卡瓦列罗就读于PSU-LV的五年制加速公共卫生硕士(MPH)课程,目标是在全球或公共卫生领域工作. 参加公共卫生硕士课程的学生在PSU-LV完成了整整三年的课程, 第四年亲自在PSU-LV和好时医学院上课, 第五年参加好时医学院的面对面或在线课程.

“我攻读全球健康硕士学位,因为这是我最感兴趣的,”她说. “It was the accessibility of it. [The degree] was something I could achieve anyway. But the lower admission cost, the fact that I could do it in my senior year and the year after that, 而且可以根据我的时间表进行调整——这就是我能做到的原因.”

A fellow BBH alum, Soma Asad was not completely clear on her future, but she had a list of what she did and didn’t want in a career.

阿萨德说:“我知道我想从事医疗保健工作,不想学生物专业。. “I didn’t want to take 400- and 500-level bio courses. 我喜欢医疗保健的临床方面,但我知道我不想成为一名医生. It’s a lot of schooling. I like working and being in the field, so when I heard about physician assistant (PA), I thought it sounded perfect for me. I like being in charge enough where I can meet with patients, but I can consult with a doctor if I have a question.”

阿萨德清单上的另一个“好东西”是找到一所离家近、能满足她职业规划的学校, she said. PSU-LV的BBH项目检查了所有现有的盒子,甚至一些不在她的清单上. 该计划的范围足够广泛,适用于各种医疗保健职业, 但又足够具体,符合阿萨德成为医生助理的职业目标.

“我选择了一个专业,可以让我完成在PSU-LV的所有先决条件,” she said. A first-generation college student, 阿萨德很熟悉中国博彩平台的声誉,也很了解中国博彩平台和路易斯安那州立大学的校园, as her older sister was an alum.

A 2017 PSU-LV graduate, Asad于2020年在费城骨科医学院(PCOM)开始了她的PA学习. The foundational skills she developed at PSU-LV, 加上她务实的天性和职业道德,她为下一阶段的教育做好了准备. 不过,她说,进入研究生院的现实生活是一种调整.  她说:“我认为,在进入这个项目之前,你还没有做好百分之百的准备。.

Unlike Asad, Jerad Flatt knew he wanted to be a physical therapist.

“I was initially looking at health and human rehabilitation, but when I told one of the [PSU-LV] advisers I wanted to go to PT school, they suggested I go into the BBH program,” he said. 他获得的关于人体的整体知识是弗拉特最大的收获.

“除了生物学,影响人类健康的因素还有很多,”他说. “(在BBH项目中)我们学习了身心联系和心理学, and its impact on our mental and physical health, 以及对人类健康有重大影响的社会经济因素. It’s been really useful for me even in my post-graduate studies. 了解关节并对所有这些因素如何影响人类健康有更广泛的了解是件好事. 你不只是治疗一个人的缺陷——你是在治疗整个人.”

该计划的通用性和适用性,无数的健康和医疗相关的职业,使其吸引学生希望直接与病人或公众工作, said Samantha Beebe, BBH program coordinator, assistant teaching professor, and coordinator of the accelerated MPH program.

“BBH是传统生物学健康观和公共健康观的完美结合, 因此,它真的让学生们准备好去看根本原因,而不是表面问题,” she said. “It’s the multi-perspective, 全面的方法,让学生在竞争那些神圣的专业学校席位时占据优势,因为他们从生物学角度调查了健康和健康, psychological, environmental, cultural and global perspective across the human lifespan. They understand the complexities of health.”

For more information on the BBH and MPH majors, visit the programs’ website.
