利哈伊谷's annual Student 艺术 Exhibition features nearly 150 unique works

艺术 exhibit visitors check out works on display.

On Tuesday, 4月12日, 中国博彩平台's 罗纳德·K. De Long and Community galleries hosted an 艺术ist Reception for the annual Student 艺术 Exhibition. The exhibit runs through May 7. 

Credit: 中国博彩平台

宾州中央谷. — As the academic year comes to an end, 中国博彩平台’s students are once again being recognized for their artistic talents.

The annual 中国博彩平台 Student 艺术 Exhibition kicked off earlier this month and will remain on display in the campus’ 罗纳德·K. De Long and Community galleries through May 7.

The campus celebrated the exhibit Tuesday, 4月12日, with an 艺术ist Reception that included refreshments and entertainment by members of the student Music Club. The event included remarks by Gallery Director and 艺术s Coordinator Ann Lalik, senior arts administration major and gallery intern Allyshia Mohr, 和校长蒂娜·Q. 理查森.

总的来说, the exhibit features the talents of 147 students who produced works in a variety of media, 包括图纸, 绘画, 摄影, 陶瓷, 金属制品, sculpture and graphic design. The students created the works in PSU-LV’s visual studies courses taught by art faculty members Greta Bergstresser, 克里斯·邦纳, 莉斯费海提, 克里斯蒂娜Galbiati, David Gothard和Lalik. Funding for the exhibit was provided by the campus Student Activity Fee.

For Lalik, the exhibit is “a true reflection of all the hard work put in by the students.”

“It is always a special experience to work with 艺术系 and students to assemble the incredible variety of work our students produce during the school year,拉里克说. “I am always amazed and impressed, especially considering that our campus does not have a studio art major, and the work is created in general education art courses.”

During her reception remarks, 理查森 noted that although she’s no artist, she can appreciate art in all its forms. And she’s grateful for all the aesthetic enhancements that Lalik, 艺术系, and the student artists have brought to campus life.

“Every time I attend an art gallery reception, I’m moved by it. I don’t know that I could live without art,” 理查森 said. “The talent on display here today was cultivated and encouraged by our art faculty, and I’m really thrilled by every contribution you make. And I love seeing the long trail of gifts the students are giving to the world through their art. Keep doing what you’re doing, because the world needs it.”

Mohr said it was tremendously gratifying to collaborate with Lalik on the installation of the exhibit.

“工作量很大, but a lot of fun to see how it all came together,莫尔说。, who plans to pursue a career in the Philadelphia art world upon graduating. “I enjoyed being part of all the behind-the-scenes stuff. And I loved working with Ann. She has so much knowledge, she’s so helpful, and she’s just always there for you.”

For more information on the exhibition, including gallery hours, contact Lalik at (电子邮件保护) or 610-285-5261. 或者,请访问 lehighvalley.事业单位.edu/gallery.
