

“将生物多样性纳入行动十年主流”专题讨论会促进了关于生物多样性的对话, 连接了中国博彩平台的不同项目,并激发了多个研究提案, seven of which received seed grants to study and support biodiversity, which is critical for the health of all ecosystems.

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UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -七个中国博彩平台的教师团队获得了生物多样性研究的种子资助,作为2021年“Mainstreaming Biodiversity in a Decade of Action”研讨会, developed by Christina Grozinger, Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology and director of the Center for Pollinator 研究, in collaboration with Penn State’s Sustainability Institute (SI).

The nine-week 研讨会 fostered a dialogue about biodiversity, connected different programs across Penn State, 并启发了未来研究和支持生物多样性项目的建议, which is critical for the health of all ecosystems.

“Biodiversity loss, 在我看来, is as important a global problem as climate change,” said Paul Shrivastava, director of SI and Penn State’s chief sustainability officer. “我们每年失去成千上万的物种,地球生物生态系统的质量也在下降.”

“The 研讨会 highlighted the creative and diverse research, 教育, and extension efforts of Penn State faculty and their collaborators,” said Grozinger. 

Attendees of the 研讨会 是否有机会组成团队申请种子基金,以支持解决生物多样性问题的创造性和跨学科项目. The SI; Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, Food 和Environmental Sciences; Ecology Institute; and the Insect and Biodiversity Center; provided funding for the seed grants.

“The proposals we received were truly innovative, 我们很高兴看到研究团队将他们的项目带到哪里,” said Grozinger. “它们解决了与管理森林中树木和植物群落有关的问题, 设计雨水系统以支持城市地区的生物多样性,并制定创新的教育计划,以提高对生物多样性的认识和支持, 与土著社区合作,改善农业生物多样性和粮食安全, 并利用人工智能和先进的工程技术来支持生物多样性的研究和监测.”

今年, seven proposals received seed grant funding, 来自中国博彩平台校园和学院以及外部合作伙伴的跨学科团队. 

The researchers and projects awarded the grants are:

  • 绿色雨水基础设施:设计、维护和位置对生物多样性的影响” by principal investigator (PI) Margaret Hoffman,植物科学助理教授,联合首席研究员(co- pi) Lauren McPhillips, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, and 香港吴, assistant professor of landscape architecture.
  • 评估儿童到成人的代际学习作为帮助伊利诺伊州Rusty patch大黄蜂的潜在解决方案, PI  Danielle Lawson他是娱乐、公园和旅游管理的助理教授,以及共同研究人员 特里萨梅尔顿, postdoctoral scholar in recreation, 公园, and tourism management, and 露西麦克莱恩, Shaver 's Creek环境中心的助理教学教授兼科学与教育项目主任.
  • A method to study avian window strikes,PI Christopher Martin他是中国博彩平台阿尔图纳分校机械工程助理教授 朱利安·艾弗里, associate research professor of wildlife ecology and conservation, 安德鲁·麦克, grants and contracts coordinator at Altoona. 
  • 地上和地下木质竞争对草本群落的影响, PI 秋天Sabo, assistant professor of biology at Penn State Beaver, and co-PIs 艺术戈夫, research support associate in plant science, 菲利普·琼斯, postdoctoral scholar in ecosystem science and management, and 艾米丽洗, postdoctoral fellow in ecosystem science and management.
  • Integrated Art & Science Program for Biodiversity: Design, Delivery, 和Evaluation, PI 布莱恩·王他是中国博彩平台伯克分校生物学副教授 Sandy Feinstein, professor of English at Berks, Samantha Kavky, associate professor of art history at Berks, and 大卫•Livert associate professor of psychology at Penn State Lehigh Valley.
  • Climate-adapted forests: from geology to genes, PI 玛戈特凯, associate professor of forest ecology, and co-PIs 杰西•拉斯, assistant professor of biology, and Tetyana Zhebentyayeva, associate research professor of ecosystem science and management.
  • 对全球粮食和农业生物多样性(农业生物多样性)和2019冠状病毒病大流行期间粮食/营养安全价值的性别敏感分析:拉丁美洲土著社区的经验, PI 卡尔齐默、Ruby S. 和E. Willard Miller Professor of Geography, and co-PIs Kathleen Sexsmith农村社会学和妇女、性别与性研究助理教授 Paige Castellanos, 国际项目办公室助理研究教授和农业研究与教育倡议性别平等项目经理.

The projects cover a range of topics important to biodiversity, 每个人都在一个独特的领域提出创新研究和/或教育推广.

例如, 马丁领导的团队旨在开发一个程序,以识别和记录鸟类撞窗户的数据. 据估计,鸟类与窗户的碰撞是人类导致鸟类死亡的第二大原因. 然而,目前还没有一种可靠的方法来跟踪鸟类碰撞或实地测试“鸟类安全”窗口. 这个项目的目的是开发一个程序来同时跟踪这些碰撞在许多地方, 希望能帮助我们更好地了解是什么因素导致玻璃和窗户对鸟类如此危险. 

劳森项目的目标是评估代际学习作为传播对生物多样性的支持和关注的有效方法. 她的团队将使用伊利诺斯州锈斑大黄蜂的中学课程来评估学生如何将课堂上学到的课程与父母交流, 以及该课程是否能影响学生和家长对生物多样性和伊利诺伊州锈斑大黄蜂保护的态度.

“提出的好主意比我们能资助的多得多,”Shrivastava补充说. “这表明我们有一个非常充满活力的研究人员社区,在中国博彩平台研究生物多样性的各个方面.”

与格罗青格和SI一起制定研讨会的指导委员会包括齐默尔, 吊杆胖的, assistant professor of recreation, 公园, and tourism management, Erica Smithwick, professor of geography and director of the Ecology Institute, 詹森·凯, professor of ecosystem science and management, 娜塔莉·波伊尔, assistant research professor of entomology, and 朱利安·艾弗里, assistant research professor of ecosystem science and management.